Double taxation?
I would like to operate in Poland in the form of a commercial company, but I want to avoid double taxation of profit and have a corporate veil to protect my personal assets from the company’s creditors.
An appropriate form of activity in such a case will be to establish a limited partnership. There are two types of partners in this partnership – a limited partner, liable for the company’s debts only up to a certain amount, and a general partner, liable for the company’s obligations with all his assets. However, such a general partner does not have to be a natural person – it may be e.g. a limited liability company, whose only shareholder is the limited partner of the limited partnership.
Thus, a given person is liable for the debts of a limited partnership only as a limited partner – up to a certain amount. The general partner will still be liable for the company’s debts with all his assets, however, it will be a limited liability company – where a corporate veil mechanism will apply, protecting its shareholder.
Moreover, in a limited partnership, profit is not subject to double taxation.